
Showing posts with the label Adult

6 Books that will help the employees to grow and develop in the workplace

  Most business books are usually written for an audience those who want to become a Leader or Founder. But very few books help the employees in the organization.  Imagine the power an employee will get after he or she solves a problem or a critical situation easily with the help of some books.  Disclaimer: Affiliate links available. If you buy with this link, I get a kick that motivates me to write more for you 🙈🙈 Down below are the few books that will help someone working 9-5 and have no time selecting which books to read. These are their references to read for growth and development to get promotions and reach a higher level hierarchy.   These books are meant to be read by every employee. Each book can be discussed within the workplace and ingrained in how a team works. 1. Linchpin:  Are you irreplaceable for the work you do? Of course, No!! Today, you can no longer succeed by being unremarkable and just following instructions. Instead, no matter how ...

"A letter to younger me"- I'm not perfect

I am not very old like in the 40s or 50s, I am just in mid-20s - if you know what I mean.😁😁 I think who I was 7-10 years back (A TEENAGER!!) and who I am today (ADULT) is very different because of the all the opportunities that came by and the choices I made. Following pieces of advice, I wish my favorite Santa had gifted me this letter a decade ago. Dear younger self, Your dream has come true, I am a grown-up woman now and guess what, I have the freedom to do whatever I want and make my decisions for life. But to mention, I am still not close to ‘PERFECT’. "I miss being you” who was crazy, hyped up, casual, and irresponsible but increasingly bold, adventurous, creative, and beauteous. Enjoy your role as a teenager because once it is gone, it’s gone forever. With all the new environmental and hormonal changes you are confused about right and wrong, I understand that. I know you must be thinking that your friends are your parents and your parents to be your e...