
Showing posts with the label Writer

How to increase Productivity at work? Pomodoro Method [Everything you need to know]

Time flies!!! Work gets piled up. Have you noticed how your work speed increases when you are about to go for a lunch break or before going home? Has it happened that you had to work extra hours and you could not complete the work within the stipulated time because you were distracted?   If the answer is YES? I have a solution to your problem. What is the Pomodoro Technique? Pomodoro is an Italian word for Tomato. Francesco Cirillo named the system “POMODORO” after the tomato-shaped timer he used to track his work at the university as a student. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.  Pomodoro is a cyclical system in which the work is broken into short sprints and taking breaks to prevent the mind from exhaustion. The only resource needed is a timer.  For every sprint of 25 minutes, we are re...

6 Books that will help the employees to grow and develop in the workplace

  Most business books are usually written for an audience those who want to become a Leader or Founder. But very few books help the employees in the organization.  Imagine the power an employee will get after he or she solves a problem or a critical situation easily with the help of some books.  Disclaimer: Affiliate links available. If you buy with this link, I get a kick that motivates me to write more for you 🙈🙈 Down below are the few books that will help someone working 9-5 and have no time selecting which books to read. These are their references to read for growth and development to get promotions and reach a higher level hierarchy.   These books are meant to be read by every employee. Each book can be discussed within the workplace and ingrained in how a team works. 1. Linchpin:  Are you irreplaceable for the work you do? Of course, No!! Today, you can no longer succeed by being unremarkable and just following instructions. Instead, no matter how ...

A blessing in disguise- Unconventional strengths of an Over-thinker

My thoughts every time when my friend is late at the meet-up point, “What was the time we were supposed to meet? Am I early? Is it actually Xday (whichever day you are reading) today? Am I over-dressed? Do I know that person? Does that person really exist? Do I exist? Am I thinking too much? 😆 Hell Yes!!! I am an overthinker. Are you? If yes, this is for you. If no, this is for you too (Thinking more is sometimes good for your health). For Overthinkers, nothing is simple. Everything is a high-intensity situation. For example, suppose you are hungry and you have to order something. Now if you are a normal person you will order that comes to your mind first. But no, we, super thinkers, will include many factors like!!! Am I very hungry or less hungry? What are all the viable options? Will they provide cutleries?  Hot or cold food? What is the price? What is the time? Etc etc. 😥😥 Below are the indications that you definitely overthink. Asking a lot of questi...

8 Shades of Tea LOVERS - Everything you need to know

If you are cold, tea will warm you If you are too heated, it will cool you If you are depressed, it will cheer you If you are excited, it will calm you - By William Gladstone A little bit of history, you may skip if you want (History is always boring  😉 )  Referring to the history of tea, I have to mention about Chinese whose culture is consort to the origin of tea. (A monk, who founded the Zen Buddhism discovered tea during his fifth year of contemplation.)  It is claimed that the most obsessed drink of India was alien to Indians until the 1920s. During this period advertising and distributing free samples of tea leaves to local vendors steeped the curve of tea lovers in India. Henceforth, mass production of tea leaves started in regions like Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri.  Drinking tea is healthy!!! Tea contains theophylline which does not elevate the central nervous system as much as caffeine. It is also an alternative for those who a...