How oldest Gen Z is coping with pandemic scenario?

(Conversation between four friends on their last academic session at their private WhatsApp group.
March 6, 2020.
ANKS: I have booked a hotel for us.
DEEKIE: I am planning the itinerary. Let's have a party for a whole night. What say?
JASK (Excited about fashion as always): What are we planning to wear?
DARSI: Guys, I am buying champagne then. This could be the last party before going out in the world.)

The discussion ended there. They all left for their respective home excited and happy without bidding goodbyes, expecting to meet after 20 days. The plan was perfect. The countdown for the party had already started.

On March 20, 2020, their plans were shattered. They had to cancel their tickets and hotel booking for their last party night as a student.

The whole nation went into lockdown amid coronavirus situation from 24th March 2020 for infinite days.
This unplanned situation jiggered the oldest members of Generation Z like these 4 friends who were enthusiastic, energetic, and ready to put their feet on the other side of the coin 'job market'.

In a business degree, students learn a statement by heart " Change is the only constant." Now it is time to accept it and be dynamic. This sudden outburst has pushed us to think of Plan B. This pandemic has impelled the businesses to accept telecommuting as the new norm, to make hard decisions on hiring & retention, and to invest in local outsourcing.

With every sunset, a new hope is born!

This compelled me into thinking that as a 23-year-old what should I be doing right now except for washing hands and wearing masks. 
What if I was an interviewer? Then the first question I would ask the interviewee after the pandemic scenario ends. "How have you optimized the situation to the best of your ability?"And we all know what the answer should be. So, it is an opportunity to use this time to hold a grip on the future.
Exploring new things: You may not go out to explore a new place and exciting food to stay happy. But you can definitely browse through the internet. Natasha, a recent B.Com graduate has found her newest passion for yoga. Kusum, who is a 20-year-old fashion designer has found the TIK TOK as a potential venture.  They are generation Z making the best use of the situation in hand. They understand this time is never going to come back. 
Health is wealth: Fear of getting infected is taking a toll on physical and mental health. The link between mental health and physical health is always misunderstood. They’re thought of as separate systems, but the two are closely interconnected. It is the right time to take care of the body and mind as a temple. 
There is no way to find junk food, hence, eating healthy is a safe option.
It is the best time to exercise and build the immune system strong for the upcoming days. 
Last but not least your social circle is crucial for your mental health. It is advisable to engage with family and friends. People have started realizing the importance of Nature, Animals,  Family, and most importantly they have started realizing the importance of quality over quantity. People have started believing in love and humanity rather than war and hatred. 

Time will never give you this opportunity again when you would wish extra hours in a day for self-growth. It is not a competition or a rat race but definitely 'a life with more elbow room'.

Another question that comes to my mind, "What did this unexpected situation teach you as a person?"

Answers can be many and varied. But if you ask me?
 I have learnt to be calm & patient in a situation that is not under my control. It is obvious to panic when all my plans for the future seem to be shattering into pieces. 
Well, being optimistic which I have never been before to this extent. It has helped me to manage things and myself in the right way. First few weeks I had thoughts full of negativity which created anxiety both outside and within me. In due course, I have accepted the situation which has led me to be positive and courageous. TIP: remember all those events when you were in bad situations but everything fell in place eventually.
Life is a hell lot of surprises where not everything can go as I want to. It is a fact which all of us should accept quickly to face the situations effectively. I can start to complain and deny taking charges in my life but that will lead me to nowhere, rather I can accept and handle the things that come by gracefully.
The last but most important in this pandemic is our inner strength which is an excellent source of firmness and credence, which allows us to face unfortunate situations wisely. I am now able to control actions well with my zestful soul. Certainly, I am going through some practices and training to strengthen my inner self.

Alex mero quoted," An unexpected situation always comes with wisdom". Let this pandemic instil more wisdom and knowledge to Homo Sapiens.


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