How to develop the habits of Successful Employees


“The 7 habits of highly successful people” has inspired me to break down these habits for employees. The inspiration comes from Stephen Covey, author of the book. 

NOTE: This blog is going to have too many notes, so, keep reading.

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Who are successful employees?
Success has a wide range of definitions. And it has changed its dynamics with time. Now we have all heard that there are successful people like CEOs, Owners, and Investors, etc. (But) Are there successful employees too? Yes, these employees walk up the ladder faster than others. How? By building habits.

To allow ourselves to succeed we need a shift. A paradigm shift of mindset- to change yourselves fundamentally by altering your attitude and behavior consciously on a day to day basis until these become a habit.

There are many habits that should be developed in order to become successful. Here I will talk about those without which it is near to impossible to land at your destination.

Habit of networking: Have you ever panicked because you got stuck in the elevator with your CEO? Suddenly you start sweating and wondering if he heard what you are thinking and you are too scared of getting judged for no reason. In the meantime, you are cursing the lift for dawdling. Sounds similar? Being trapped like this can make you swirl.  But have you ever thought of making it an opportunity to network? Do this. First of all, start with making eye contact and a warm smile. Start thinking immediately if you know anything special about that person from the gossips or newsletter or anything.  And finally, start a conversation by introducing yourself and giving a brief description of your work. This is the best time to praise the company culture and everything you like about the company. If you can recall any of his recent activities, never forget to mention. Lastly, while you exit always try to shake hands professionally and say, “It was nice meeting you and have a good day”. Remember he meets many people in a day so if you want to be remembered show the positive vibes you have.
Note: This is not confined to only “Stuck with CEO” talks, but anybody to network with even your colleagues. 

WELL!! WELL!!!!! This is an older concept. Now when I write, virtual offices have come into a picture where there is no chance that you get stuck in the elevator. Again, this is a disadvantage of working remotely (definitely). But then there is an alternative mode i.e. video calls (a simple way to shy away) that HRs coordinate for their organization. We know how popular it has become with all its jargons (Mute please!, Am I audile? kinda stuffs)
‘Say Yes to video calls, Take initiatives of organizing meetings, discussions and conferences’, this way you get a chance to network. 

Another way to connect is social media especially LinkedIn. LinkedIn has seen a record level of usage in the year 2020 (upto 690 million users in 2020). The engagement levels in LinkedIn have increased at a much higher level this year because of WFH and least interactions due to lockdown and social distancing.
Photo Credits: Kinsta

Habit of dressing for your dream job every day: When I say ‘dress’ then take it as a metaphor. The deeper lesson here is becoming the person you want to be by metaphorically wearing the clothes or the hat.
Example: if you want to be a manger in the next 2-3 years you need to start behaving like one right now. Conducting yourself, growing and changing in preparation and anticipation that you will get the job. Usually, employees do just the opposite. The wait to change until they become the manager.
Just imagine one fine day when you become a manager, you start wearing a suit and a tie. How suffocating it can be? All tight, buttoned, tucked-in, buckled, and multi-layered. It is difficult for any human being to change and become someone in a day. So dressing for a job you want means getting comfortable until it becomes a habit. It is very important to outgrow yourself to be successful.

Habit of thinking like CEO: Do you know what a CEO's mind looks like. It is a complete package of resilience, stamina, IQ and EQ, confidence, ambition, humility, and awareness. (Sounds too much, this is not half of what actually it is). Are you sure you want to be one? 

To think like CEO first you need is the right attitude and frame of mind. The obstacle you come across, do you think “How would the CEO deal with it?”, “What if this was my company and I was the owner how would I deal with it?” Once you learn to think this way, it gets easy. Hence, if you learn the job you aspire to have one day, it again gets fairly easy because your mind will have made it simple
Note: It is not important if you want to be a CEO or not. Mind it when I say this, you can be successful and not be a CEO. But you need to think like a CEO to be successful.

Habit of taking Chai Break: if you are following me now, you will know what I am saying. Are you a

workaholic? Do you want to impress your manager by working non-stop? Do you take small breaks during work? Are you scared that the manager will micromanage and you will not be in good books if you take breaks? 
Well, then definitely you are not going to be successful in the near future. It may take years to walk up the ladder or never at all. Sad!!!!!! (Because your productivity never reaches it's maximum) Let me share with you some secrets.

  • The human brain is not built for the extended focus as we expect these days. Our brains are watchful because they have evolved to detect things to ensure our survival. So focusing on one thing for a very long time is not something we can do easily. Hence, brief interruption helps.
  • Allowing yourself to step back and think for a while (re-evaluate) if you are accomplishing the task in the right way. This practice will keep you mindful of your goals. 
  • Treat your task completion as sprints 52-17 method. Work at a stretch for 52 minutes and then, take a break for 17 minutes to get ready for the next sprint. This works as productivity reaches to its peak. 
  • Studies have shown that workers who take regular breaks are more satisfied with their job and less likely to seek employment elsewhere. 

Yes!! Again you need breaks working from home too. It is an adjustment that we all are making right now and this transition takes time. For many years workspace and the home had been separate as well as work and personal lives. The only way to adjust to WFH is by scheduling work breaks. Whenever you find yourself unfocused it is a good time to move to the kitchen and make your hot cup of whatever, stretch, meditate, etc. 

Share your experience of taking breaks in the comments below.

Habit of blowing your own trumpet: Do you remember how your manager took the credit of your work in the last organization? Do you remember how your colleague stole your idea to present it in front of the management? Many employees put extra hours working, sacrificing holidays and working but when it comes to showcasing their work they fail, as a result, fail to get promoted or appraised. Unfortunately, in this corporate world, this is reality. Promoting your own work is crucial. Credit is never given, it is taken.
Most of the employees feel shy and embarrassed to take the credit so, they seldom act towards it.  But a gentle reminder! If you don’t someone else will.
In the one to one meetings, feedback sessions, and any opportunity that comes by speak up for yourself. Use numbers, figures, awards won, and consumer appreciation letters to make your story relevant.
Note (Very important): Just because you are told to speak about your work does not mean you will brag. The difference lies in the tone, delivery, and approach. Highlighting your achievements without exaggerating it is noteworthy.

Committing to positive habits will yield results not only for employees but for the organization also. Productive and happy employees bring in better results. Therefore, the role of the organization also plays a crucial part in developing these habits.
Last but not least NOTE: Practicing these simple yet dynamic habits every day will definitely lead to success.

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